Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't updated my blog in such a very long time. I have been swamped with schoolwork and haven't gotten much of a chance to think about writing anything lately.

My latest forays into the culinary world have been baking cookies. My dad requested that I make molasses cookies about two weeks ago and it got my "inner chef" going and I've made three batches of cookies since and will be making more this weekend. I think it might have something to do with the cooler weather... Well the molasses cookies were absolutely perfect! Great taste and the best texture ever. Slightly crunchy but with a just enough chewy to keep you wanting more. They were so good I had to make two batches!

The other cookies I made were snickerdoodles. These were per my mother's request. I bought her a cookie jar for her B-Day (That's it in the top right!) and filled it for her. I think she's just about eaten her way through that supply though...well ok I've helped some too.

This weekend I'll probably make some No-Bake cookies or chocolate chip cookies. I'll let ya'll know how those turn out!
Until next time...
Happy Eating!
"Chef" Slade